Holiday Gift Guide 2023

Happy Holidays, Hotties! 🎁

When you have someone in your life that you care so much about, you want to do your best to show them that you support them. The holidays can be a really incredible time to show that extra love 💗 But sometimes, that can be hard to do (whether you’re a gift-giving pro or not). So, if you’ve got a Fit & Fierce Female that you want to shower with love and support, but need some ideas, you’ve come to the right place. This is our 2023 Gift Guide for the Fit & Fierce Females in your life! ✨

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As two meal prepping girlies, we know the value of quality meal prep containers! It’s nice to have a mix of regular storage containers and ones with compartments, which is why we think this set is great as a gift this holiday season!

A good water bottle is a GAME-CHANGER. It can seriously influence how much water someone consumes in a day 💧 Tyler loves her Owala FreeSip, but this Travel Tumbler is calling our namessss this holiday season!

This is one of those things that someone might not buy for themselves, but is so stinking handy! Whether doing some precision baking, measuring out servings of nuts, or figuring out how much chicken you’re putting in the freezer, a food scale can be a helpful tool and an easy little gift. Tyler has had this one for YEARS. It is small, but mighty.

Next up, we love a good air fryer. They’re perfect for heating up leftovers, getting the perfect crisp on some game day wings, prepping some toast for our morning eggs and avocado, and so much more! We love this because it is SO versatile, is free of a lot of the chemicals found in other air fryers, and is great for apartments that don’t have all the amenities. We know the person you get this for will be using it ALL. THE. TIME.

If this doesn’t scream, “I care about your self care” we’re not sure what does. Imagine a cold winter night with some music playing, warm tea in your hand, and this heating pad wrapped around your shoulders 😍 Yeah, you might want to snag one for yourself while you’re at it.

We are unapologetically Apple girlies. And boy oh boy do we love our Apple Watches ⌚️ So, we have no choice but to recommend it! They’re so helpful for anyone who wants to prioritize and monitor their fitness.

This beginner dumbbell set is perfect for the girlies that are too busy to (or simply don’t want to) go the gym, but are still wanting to start their strength training journey. It doesn’t take up much space, so you can tuck it in a closet or in a corner of the room. You can also pair this with your favorite yoga mat for a perfect workout starter kit!

Not only does a silk pillowcase feel like luxury, it’s actually great for your skin! They say that silk absorbs less moisture than cotton and other typical bedding material. This means that your face gets to keep its moisture, avoiding dry and itchy skin! This is a great, not too pricey, way to let your favorite gal go to bed and wake up feeling like a Queen 👑

This cookbook was gifted to Stephanie and it quickly became her favorite cookbook! And that’s a big deal since she owns A LOT of cookbooks. It’s not a calorie counting or restrictive approach. The slogan is: recipes for balanced, flexible, feel-good meals and it certainly delivers!

We love anything that can be used for both cooking and is beautiful for serving. It’s perfect for making soups, roasts, bread, big batch pasta… really the list goes on and on. Once she uses this dutch oven once, it will quickly become a kitchen staple!

Stephanie uses her Beats every. single. day. 🎧 Whether she’s working, or working out, these headphones are perfect!

**Although we wouldn’t recommend using them for an outdoor walk/run. They’re VERY noise cancelling and you always want to be aware of your surroundings!

Even if they already have a standard blender, they still need an immersion blender! It’s perfect for blending soups without having to transfer it to a blender, or having to blend in batches. It helps to make a quick sauce, salad dressing, aioli, etc. with minimal dishes to wash later. Seriously, it’s such a game changer!

Sparkling water is a staple for most girly pops. But finding cans without added sugar or other additives can be tricky. The solution? Make your own! The SodaStream is perfect for elevating water for a weeknight dinner, mixing with booze for a cocktail, and you can even add freshly squeezed fruit juice to make your own flavors!

If you haven’t heard of CRZ YOGA leggings before – consider your life officially changed. These leggings are comparable to lululemon, but cost under $30 🤑 Not only will she be so grateful for these leggings, but she’ll probably end up buying herself several more pairs. (Speaking from experience 😍)

Everyone needs an air popper. It makes the perfect movie night snack healthier! It cooks popcorn with hot air, not oil, so you get to be in control of the fat content 🙌🏼 It’s a great gift as is, or you can turn it into a gift basket with a bag of kernels, a cute bowl, maybe some hot chocolate or a bottle of wine. Such a fun idea!

This is definitely a pricier gift, so be sure they actually like espresso first lol ☕️ This espresso machine was a gift given to Stephanie and her husband, and it quickly became one of their most prized possessions. There’s something just so special about starting your day with a quality latte, especially when you don’t even need to change out of your pajamas to get it! Also great for making the perfect espresso martini! 😍

A weighted blanket is perfect for the anxious girlies in your life 🖤 You can put it on your bed to sleep with at night, or put this over you while you lay on the couch and read a book (or scroll on your phone, let’s be real). It’s so comforting and puts you at ease right away!

We use our diffuser every. single. day. And whether or not you believe in the benefits from essential oils, we can all agree that they smell amazing! Lavender is great for sleeping, citrus + peppermint is great for focusing during work/school, plus there are super fun holiday/festive scents. If she doesn’t want to light a candle, this is a great way to make her home smell amazing!

If she’s a bath girly, she NEEDS this bathtub tray 🛀🏼 It can hold a candle, a book, a glass of wine, flowers, a snack, etc. This will level up her bath time and make it feel like an oasis. Which we all know she needs after a long day!!

The belt bag is the fanny pack’s cooler younger sister 😆 This lululemon dupe is a fraction of the price and looks almost identical! Perfect for your on-the-go bestie!

Journaling and getting your thoughts out can be so cathartic, but sometimes it’s hard to think about what you want to write! Enter the five minute journal 📖 It gives you thought-provoking prompts to guide your gratitude and mindfulness. This is such a thoughtful gift, and you’ll probably want to buy one for yourself too!

Having a good pair of slippers is a must, and if she’s anything like us she probably wears them out quickly! Which makes it the perfect gift. These slippers are open-toe so she can wear them all year round, even in the summer, without her feet getting sweaty. Always a winner!

A few years ago Stephanie was gifted this pan, and it quickly became her favorite pan to use! It’s non-stick and non-toxic, it’s EXTREMELY easy to clean, and it’s the perfect size for almost anything. Plus it just looks beautiful!

We used to be shorts and an oversized t-shirt sleepers, but once we got our first pajama set we never looked back. Now it’s all we sleep in! You know that saying “look good, feel good” — that also applies to night time 💁🏼‍♀️ There’s something about a pajama set that makes you feel like you’ve got your life together. So give her the gift of confidence and joy!

Have you ever been in a hotel or getting ready at someone else’s house, then looked over and realized your outfit was wrinkled?! A true tragedy. Get her this portable steamer so this never happens to her again!

Holiday shopping can be stressful, so we hope this list makes things a little bit easier for you! This gift guide was created by women, for women. So you can rest assured knowing that she’ll love anything you get her from this list!

And if you haven’t already, be sure to check out our Fit & Fierce Stocking Stuffers ideas! Happy holidays, friends ❤️💚

Fiercely Yours, Stephanie and Tyler

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