Fit Fierce & Female

Why Health Coaching?

Did you know you’re significantly more likely to achieve your goals when you work with a health coach? Additionally, you’re more likely to improve your quality of life and other health factors (like blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, body weight, physical fitness, risk of chronic disease, and overall happiness).

A health coach is your personal guide, partner, and accountability buddy for all things health and wellness. Just like a sports coach brings out the best in you in that particular sport, a health coach can bring out the best in your health and wellbeing.

They can help you identify what your short-term and long-term goals are, AND help you achieve them. With a health coach you can receive support in topics relating to nutrition, fitness, wellness, sleep, health, stress management, time management, hydration, weight loss – the list goes on and on!

You may already know what you need to do, but turning it into something you want to do is a Health Coach’s specialty. It’s especially our specialty.


Why Fit Fierce & Female?

Starting a journey toward better health can feel overwhelming, daunting, even downright scary. There’s a lot of information out there and you might even feel like you have a ton of things to change. But that’s where Fit Fierce & Female comes in! You don’t have to do it alone. You don’t have to hold the burden. We’ll work with you to utilize your strengths, break down barriers, and build realistic habits for life-long health. And we’ll do it having as much fun as possible!

We pride ourselves on being professional, yet approachable and relatable. Because, honey, we GET IT. We get how hard it can be to make changes.

We’ll be sure to offer a safe space where you feel comfortable sharing your experiences, wins, frustrations, progress, and everything in between! You’ll be part of the FFF Family, and here, we take that seriously. Think of a family with open communication, no judgment, constant support, unconditional acceptance, and all the good vibes.

To top it all off, we’re Board Certified through The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching – the gold standard for Health Coaching. You get unmatched quality, professionalism, personality, and care.

We’re happy you’re here! And if you’re ready, so are we. Take a look at our packages below and if this sounds like something you’re ready to invest in, this interest form is for you!


Still undecided?

Check out our blog post. It’s got just a little more for you 😘

Stephanie and Tyler